Sunday, 27 April 2014

Beauty Bits in Your Kitchen?!

Beauty bits in your kitchen? say whaaaat?

Next time you fancy a head-to-toe pamper, you might find a few gem's hidden inside your kitchen cupboard! I know, who knew aye?! Here are a few diamonds to help that might hack at some of the problems you want solved but can't bring yourself to pay a hefty price tag at your favourite beauty store.

For Your Hair

Sometimes our hair get's a little.. well.. dull and one thing that I sometimes use to keep it at bay is use Olive Oil as a hair mask. Olive Oil is made up of fatty acids which when applied to your hair coats it. Helping to keep it protected from damage brought on by hair colouring, blow drying and hot irons. Enabling your hair to stay healthy and super sleek. 
I tend to poor my Olive Oil into an egg cup and then apply to dry hair from there and I then sleep over night in it and wash it off in the morning. Wash it well though as things can get a little greasy otherwise!
Another babe in your kitchen that is great for your hair are Banana's! Now I love banana's so I don't mind using them on my hair, so if you can manage the smell this is definitely one to bare in mind (My boyfriend hates banana's and won't come near me if i've got this slathered over my scalp). Banana's are full of elasticity boosting potassium that is super good for your hair and is even good for hair growth too. 
All I do is mash up a banana in a bowl and then slap it all over or sometimes just on the ends of my hair and then wrap my hair up in a towel, leave it on for 20minutes or more, rinse it out and then continue with my normal shampoo and conditioner.

On Your Skin

Manuka Honey is the baby that made me even think about writing this post in the first place! It is well known for its health benefits with regards to its antibacterial properties so I thought surely this would make a great face mask? And after a little research it looks like i'm not the only one who thought this and it's well used as a face mask! Giving you smooth, glowing, healthy looking skin after just one use! wowza! 
If you're interested in trying this out you'll need to get hold of some Manuka Honey which is 100% raw with a bioactive of 12+ or above (Manuka Honey is expensive stuff and the higher the bioactive the more expensive it gets) the strength relates back to its anti-bacterial properties i.e 6+ is low and anything above 12+ is high. Naturally. I apply it on newly cleansed skin dry or wet, around  a 50p size amount should cover your whole face and slap it one. I leave this on for over 20minutes as around the 15-20minutes mark is when the antibacterial benefits start to kick in. I then wash my face with warm water and pat dry with a towel.
You're skin's support system collagen is reliant on Vitamin C that works on our bodies like an antioxidant and each medium Kiwi contains around 64 milligrams worth of Vitamin C so it's a no brainer why you should want to use this on your skin! A high volume of Vit C helps prevent a number of things such as sun damage and pollution so swiping a slice of kiwi over your face every once in a while could help improve your skins overall texture.
It's a similar thing with pineapple, the high volume of Vitamin C in pineapples means the juice from a pineapple can also be used as an acidic toner. Which can aid the healing of acne and acne scaring as apposed to bead like exfoliators which can in some cases make acne worse by spreading the infection. Pineapple or lemon (sorry I didn't have a lemon in stock due to yesterdays pancake intake ohps) are almost perfect remedies when it come to helping to make skin clearer.

Have you ever tried any of these?

Grace x

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