Sunday, 30 March 2014

Summer Time Make Up

Summer has finally started to show it's face so it's time to crack open the pimms and do something about that grey winter looking skin and where better to start than with the make up your using. So here i am once again with a really simple, fresh and easy make up look thats super light and easy to pull off.

Monday, 24 March 2014

Shower Room Secrets

There is absolutely no denying that I love coming in from a long day at work and heading straight into my bathroom for a long hot and relaxing shower. I love feeling clean, I love my bathroom looking like a steam room and most of all I love it when I find the perfect mix of products. And right now, I feel like I've got some pretty nifty ones to tell you about so let's get started!

Monday, 17 March 2014

Saving My Skin

The past two months my skin has really freaked out and I'm not sure what's caused it, hormones? the weather? the products I've been using? Have i not been exercising enough lately? But there have been four products I that have completely saved my skin over this period so I really wanted to give them some serious praise.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Caudalie Crushin'

In true Grace fashion I can't step into a Space NK store without buying anything. So whilst I was in there this weekend I picked up two of my favourite lux products from Caudalie and both are multi-purpose. Bonus!

Monday, 10 March 2014

Some New Things

The other day a had a little shop in one of my local shopping centres and thought I would share with you what I got and what I think about them!